Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Helmet Head - update

Helmet head had a scan yesterday. The helmet has been on for about a month and he has had some progress. He officially has improved from “mutant child” to “almost human.” In another month he won’t have an advantage in getting science fiction acting roles. I’m going to go call the SciFi channel now.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad he's doing well. Will you resume calling him Nancy Boy? lol.

Inspector Clouseau said...

Is Helmet Head related to Bubble Boy?

The cup is half full of something I don't like said...

I will probably start calling him Nancy Boy again after the helmet is off. On the other hand, Helmet Head implies Nancy Boy because his head wasn't tough enough to handle lying down on a mattress.

Helmet Head is a little like Bubble Boy from the neck up. The big exception is Helmet Head can be used as a weapon. Baby Sammy keeps smacking us in the nose and eyes with that thing.

generic Brand said...

It's too bad you already missed your chance for other TV spots. TLC is always showing specials about freaks, anything from midgets, to smaller midgets, to obese people. And don't forget the lady who doesn't know how to keep her vagina closed.